After I started posting photos to my site, I wanted to import all of the photos I had previously posted to Instagram. Instagram does have an export option, however I found the export data lacking. Firstly, it does not include the alt-text for images, even if those were manually entered rather than machine generated. Secondly, the export does not provide the original URL for the post, which I wanted to include in the copy I posted to my site.

To fix this issue and to generate the markdown files I would use in my site’s build, I created the below script. This script includes a function to run within the browser to gather alt text and post URLs. The resulting function is then copied to the script file before generating the markdown files.

There are a few other features this script handles to improve the outputted markdown. It parses for hashtags so they can be linked and included in the metadata. Instagram @-mentions are also linked to the Instagram site. Images are copied to the desired directory. There is also some content encoding which should help with things like emojis.

It has been a while since I completed my migration, and I can’t guarantee that this script will work for everyone. Even with this script, I still needed to do some manual adjustments and add alt-text to some of my posts. Later I used a modified version of the script for <>. Even with it’s limitations, hopefully it provides a few hints or tips others can use.

// Code Snippet License: MIT
 * Utility to get instagram data
 * License: MIT
 * ## Steps
 * 1. Request export of Instagram data
 * 2. Open your profile page on instagram, make sure all data is loaded by scrolling to the bottom
 * 3. Copy & run `scrapeImages()` in the browser dev tools and save results to `scrapedData` variable
 * 4. Run `node ./[relative_path]/this-file.js` in the root of the export folder
 * 5. Copy contents of compiled_posts to website source folders
 * 6. Fix alt text where altTextNeedsReview: true

 * Function to run in the browser to get image alt text and href links
async function scrapeImages() {
 function findPostImages() {
  return (
    .map((img) => {
     let maxDepth = 5;
     let parentLink = img.parentElement;
     let isMultiPhoto = false;
     while (
      parentLink &&
      parentLink.tagName !== 'A' &&
      parentLink.parentElement &&
      maxDepth-- > 0
     ) {
      parentLink = parentLink.parentElement;
      if (
       parentLink &&
      ) {
       isMultiPhoto = true;
     return {
      alt: img.alt,
      src: img.src,
      href: parentLink.href,
    // Remove non post images
    .filter(({ href }) => href && href.includes('/p/'))
 function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
 function lastItem(arr) {
  return arr[arr.length - 1];

 // Need to start at the start of the page
 await sleep(500);

 // Get all photos even with virtual scrolling
 /** @type {HTMLImageElement[]} */
 const images = findPostImages();
 let foundLastImage = false;
 let loopCount = 0;
 while (images.length && !foundLastImage && loopCount++ < 8) {
  await sleep(2500);

  const newImages = findPostImages();
  const previousLastImage = lastItem(images);
  const lastImageIndex = newImages.findIndex(
   ({ href }) => href === previousLastImage.href
  foundLastImage = lastImageIndex === newImages.length - 1;
  images.push(...newImages.slice(lastImageIndex + 1));

  console.log('new Images', {
   'images.length': images.length,
   'newImages.length': newImages.length,

 return images;

/** Enter data from above script */
const scrapedData = [
 // Scraped data will look like the following
  alt: 'Snapped this pic of a female hummingbird in flight. 😁🐥🌹',
  src: '',
  href: '',
  isMultiPhoto: false,

const exportFolder = process.cwd();

// Open content/posts_1.json
 * @typedef PostExportMedia
 * @property {string} uri
 * @property {number} creation_timestamp
 * @property {string} [title]
 * @property {object} [media_metadata]
 * @property {object} [media_metadata.photo_metadata]
 * @property {{latitude: number, longitude: number}[]} [media_metadata.photo_metadata.exif_data]
 * @property {object} [media_metadata.video_metadata]
 * @property {{latitude: number, longitude: number}[]} [media_metadata.video_metadata.exif_data]

 * @typedef PostExport
 * @property {PostExportMedia[]} media
 * @property {string} [title] Text for multiphoto posts
 * @property {number} [creation_timestamp] creation time for multiphoto posts

/** @type {PostExport[]} */
const exportedPosts = require(exportFolder + '/content/posts_1.json');

function getPhotoId(uri) {
 const matches = /\w+_n/.exec(uri);
 if (matches && matches.length) {
  return matches[0];

 * Match posts with scraped data by image name
 * @param {PostExport} postExport
 * @param {typeof scrapedData[0]} scrapedPost
 * @returns {boolean} if posts are the same
function postsMatch(postExport, scrapedPost) {
 const scrapedPhotoId = getPhotoId(scrapedPost.src);
 const exportPhotoId = getPhotoId([0].uri);
 if (exportPhotoId) {
  return scrapedPhotoId === exportPhotoId;

 * Match posts with scraped data by text
 * @param {PostExport} postExport
 * @param {typeof scrapedData[0]} scrapedPost
 * @returns {boolean} if posts are the same
function postTextsMatch(postExport, scrapedPost) {
 return (
  (postExport.title ||[0].title).substring(0, 15) ===
  scrapedPost.alt.substring(0, 15)

const combinedData = => {
 let exportedData = exportedPosts.find((exportedPost) =>
  postsMatch(exportedPost, scrapedPost)
 if (!exportedData) {
  exportedData = exportedPosts.find((exportedPost) =>
   postTextsMatch(exportedPost, scrapedPost)
 if (!exportedData) {
  console.warn('Could not match post', scrapedPost.alt.substring(0, 15));
  return {
   WARNING: 'Post not matched',

 const text = exportedData.title ||[0].title;
 const creation_timestamp =
  exportedData.creation_timestamp ||[0].creation_timestamp;
 const content = text
  .replaceAll(/@(\w+)/g, '[$&]($1/)')
  .replaceAll(/#(\w+)/g, '[$&](/posts/tags/$1)');
 const media =, index) => ({
  original: exportedMedia.uri,
  src: `/assets/img/instagram_${exportedMedia.uri.match(/[\w\.]+$/)[0]}${
   /\./.test(exportedMedia.uri) ? '' : '.mp4'
  // Copy alt text for first item but make sure it's not multiline or contains quotes
   index === 0
    ? scrapedPost.alt.match(/.*/)[0].replaceAll(`"`, `'`)
    : undefined,
   index > 0 || postTextsMatch(exportedData, scrapedPost),

 return {
  thumbnailUrl: scrapedPost.src,
  href: scrapedPost.href,
  date: new Date(creation_timestamp * 1000).toISOString(),
  slug: scrapedPost.href.match(/\/p\/([\w-]+)/)[1],
  tags: (text.match(/#\w+/g) || []).map((tag) => tag.substring(1)),
// Map inputs to object with
//  - Image name
//  - Image alt text
//  - Additional images (TODO: alt text??)
//  - Post timestamp
//  - Post content (tags and mentions parsed, escape characters fixed?)
//  - Tag list
//  - Instagram Url
//  - Instagram post ID (to be used as slug)
// Generate markdown files with contents
// Copy images

(async function writeFiles() {
 const { writeFile, copyFile } = require('fs/promises');
 await writeFile(
  exportFolder + '/intermediate-compiled-data.json',
  JSON.stringify(combinedData, null, '\t')
 console.log('/intermediate-compiled-data.json file written');

 Promise.all( (post) => {
   for (const media of {
    await copyFile(
     exportFolder + '/' + media.original,
     __dirname + media.src
   const file = `---
slug: ${post.slug}${
     ? `
redirectFrom: ${'T')[0].replaceAll('-', '/')}/posts/${
     : ''
date: ${}${
     ? `
tags: ${post.tags
        (tag) => `
  - ${tag}`
     : ''
image: ${[0].src}
image_alt: "${[0].alt || ''}"${{ altTextNeedsReview }) => altTextNeedsReview)
     ? `
alt_needs_review: true`
     : ''
 - ${post.href}

  (media) => `
![${media.alt || ''}](${media.src})`
   const filename = `/_posts/photos/${'T')[0]
   await writeFile(__dirname + filename, file);
   console.log('Wrote file: ', filename);