Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. People looking up at paintings and gold leaf moldings

    My post about our time in Venice is finally posted! This is the last post in my series about our...

  2. Closeup of cactus surrounded by other plants. Post contains multiple images

    Enjoyed a good Saturday at home taking care of my #houseplants. 🌱🌵🥀 Some of them graduated to bigger pots. Others...

  3. Row of plants with stacks of colorful or white flowers all along the stems.

    Some #flowers my father-in-law planted in the front yard. Spring has been here for a while 🌷🌞

  4. Hummingbird at a feeder with a green and white body and a fluorescent pink face and throat.

    One of my favorite photos from our weekend camping several weeks back. Took forever to capture this Anna’s hummingbird’s colorful...

  5. Rustic cobblestone street with green plants, colorful shirts, and signs in shop windows.

    A year ago, @bekahbugs and I were in Cuetzalan Mexico which is in the mountains between Puebla and Veracruz. It...

  6. Hummingbird out of focus.

    Sometimes the camera captures the picture you want. Sometimes it captures something else. Pictured in background: Allen’s Hummingbird

  7. Black and white photo of a black and white bird perched on a white fence.

    Outside the window of my home office there is a fence that a neighborhood Black Phoebe likes to perch on...

  8. Looking up at an ornate cathedral with mosaic images on it's face

    I finished my blog post about Orvieto this weekend. It’s a really cool town with lots of interesting history like...

  9. Person kayaking on a river with geese, houses, and hills behind.

    Getting out on the water with extended family was a nice way to end a weekend saying goodbye to a...

  10. I'm working on a blog post about our time in Orvieto last October. It's been fun remembering everything we did together with my parents and siblings. I'm glad we could take that trip together.

    I’m working on a blog post about our time in Orvieto last October. It’s been fun remembering everything we did...

  11. A woman looking down at a dog in front of a large lake with hills in the distance. Post contains multiple images

    We went camping in February!?! We stayed at Lake Skinner last weekend with some friends from church. Had lots of...

  12. A collection of pots with the bare stems of dead plants.

    When people hear I like to grow house plants, a lot of people say that they always end up accidentally...

  13. A koala looking out from an artificial tree. Post contains multiple images

    Saw so many cool animals at the San Diego Zoo! It was great seeing friends from Denver taking refuge from...

  14. A woman walking down a tree-linded sidewalk overlooking a river.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife. I love getting to experience life with you. 😍

  15. View of the outside of the Roman Colosseum. Post contains multiple images

    Four months ago @bekahbugs and I visited Rome and made a whirlwind tour of the biggest sights. The art and...

  16. Owl looking out of a dog crate

    I’ll add my own #SuperbOwl day post. This is Heidi, a Great Horned Owl at the Coachella Valley Wild Bird...

  17. Black white and yellow songbird sitting up in bare tree branches.

    Saw one of these Yellow-rumped Warblers today (yes the do really have yellow backsides). I love the variations in coloring...

  18. Hummingbird feeding from a red flower with wings spread wide.

    I had fun messing around with our camera this weekend and snapped this pic of a female hummingbird in flight....

  19. Two boys and a man looking at a bird in a kennel while an older woman looks over. Post contains multiple images

    Today Bekah and I went with her brother, sister-in-law, and their two boys to the Wild Bird Center where volunteers...

  20. Small building on a coastline on a drab day.

    I really enjoyed being back in Connecticut with my family this Christmas. So many memories old and new.

  21. Video

    Happy birthday to my nephew Zeke! I’m so glad I was able to be there for his birthday party this...

  22. Grid of four photos, each with a different bird. A hawk on a branch in the forest. A red cardinal flying into evergreen tree. A crows against a gray sky. A woodpecker in a thicket of branches.

    Happy #NationalBirdDay which highlights the threats that the illegal caged-bird trade and habitat destruction pose to wild birds. Try checking...

  23. Bald man cutting up a downed tree with a chainsaw. Post contains multiple images

    Having the extended family get together to clear trees felt like a classic New England Saturday. Sometimes I miss having...

  24. Dog standing in a sunny patch on a snowy path.

    My parent’s dog may be hyper, but he looks at home out in the snow. 🐾

  25. View of street from above with circular brick patterns, the light of a street lamp, and people blurred as they walk by.

    This year was filled with some great experiences as @bekahbugs and I traveled to places I thought I’d never see....

  26. Boy in a 'Noises' basketball jersey stealing the ball from the opposing player.

    Little bro and the rest of the JV @noiseshs stole the game 23-49 this week.

  27. Black capped chickadee standing on top of a thorny stalk.

    Beautiful morning for Christmas time #birding in Connecticut

  28. Family tree-type diagram. Cousins, second-cousins, and third cousins are all the same generation as 'me' but share a grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother respectively. The generations above and below those people add the suffix 'once removed'. A further generation removed is 'twice removed' etc.

    In case you are wondering how to describe extended family relations, here’s a diagram:

  29. Black and white photo looking down on a large body of water with clouds in the reflection. A stream flows through a bare and muddy shoreline.

    Water in the desert

  30. A woman turning her head and smiling dramatically at the camera while her hair whips around behind her.

    Happy Bekah-birthday to my beautiful wife. I am grateful for the way you remind me to enjoy life and try...

  31. Plate with raspberries, baby carrots, chips, and a sandwich on a wood table.

    I’m enjoying the raspberries we picked up in Oak Glenn for lunch today along with fresh cider. I’m pretending it’s...

  32. Rocky hillside with historic stone walls and buildings.

    I took some time to write about Peru this weekend. It has been fun to think about all the cool...

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