Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Got a chance to walk around downtown San Diego and take in the sunshine last month.

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    • landscape
  2. We had a lot of fun taking the kiddos to the children’s museum last weekend. They both especially loved the big slides. This is probably not what people would guess when he says he painted a truck. Belly slides are just as fun.

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    • foster care
  3. Things I'm learning as a new foster parent

    After several weeks, our crash course in parenting has continually thought me new things. There are a lot of parenting lessons I’ve seen played out in other’s homes. But being now being the parent has really brought a lot of those into focus. Gains Our foster care certification process had...

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    • personal
    • foster care
    • parenting
  4. We've started our first placement

    A couple weeks ago, Bekah and I accepted our first foster placement of two young kiddos; a five-year-old boy and a one-year-old girl. They are beautiful kids who love to have fun. They also have been through a lot, both in life and now being separated from their family. We...

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    • foster care
    • personal
  5. Even the desert can be beautiful. Often life still thrives in its own unique way.

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    • nature
    • plants
  6. We're becoming foster parents

    I’m excited to announce that after 10 months of the certification process and years of discussion and planning Bekah and I have been licensed by the state of California to serve as foster parents. Since the earliest days of our marriage, we’ve discussed how we could care for children needing...

    • article
    • personal
    • foster care
  7. Birding in 2020

    2020 Trends After a year of international travel that triggered my re-entry into bird watching, 2020 was a much more restrained year. While life events and global lockdowns kept me in the US, I enjoyed refining my birding skills and focusing on more birding from home. As the stress of...

    • article
    • travel
    • birding
  8. Photography has been a fun hobby to pick up. Though I may backfill older posts I wanted to start with something fresh. I’m looking forward to adding more content to my site.

    • photo
    • nature
    • ocean
    • site changes
  9. Styling an RSS/Atom feed with XSL

    On my blog I link to my RSS/Atom feed for the convenience of people who use a feed reader. However, since this is an XML document, clicking on the link could be confusing for web visitors. I had previously looked into adding styles to the XML document to make it...

    • article
    • technology
    • site changes

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