Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife. I love getting to experience life with you. 😍

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  2. Four months ago @bekahbugs and I visited Rome and made a whirlwind tour of the biggest sights. The art and architecture were breathtaking. There is a mix of modern and historic across the city making it a fun place to travel through. I’ve written down some of my memories into...

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    • travel
    • Italy
    • ruins
  3. Rome is a Work of Art

    Rome is such a massively historic city that I didn’t know what to expect when arriving in modern-day Rome. I’ve read so much about it in the context of ancient history but relatively little about the last couple hundred years. What we encountered was a mix of multiple centuries organically...

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    • travel
    • Italy
  4. Looking forward to all the “X happened during the #superbowl and people are upset” headlines this week

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    • superbowl
  5. Glad #MakeSpaceForWomen is highlighting @WomenWhoCode. I hope we can make programming a career where women feel welcome and valued.

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    • MakeSpaceForWomen
  6. I’ll add my own #SuperbOwl day post. This is Heidi, a Great Horned Owl at the Coachella Valley Wild Bird Center. She is unreleasable and so serves as a foster parent for young owls.

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    • SuperbOwl
    • birds
  7. Saw one of these Yellow-rumped Warblers today (yes the do really have yellow backsides). I love the variations in coloring they have. They look different depending on where in North America they are.

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    • birds
    • birding
  8. I had fun messing around with our camera this weekend and snapped this pic of a female hummingbird in flight. 😁🐥🌹

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    • birds
  9. Also, checkout what @eji_org is doing because it is amazing work. Thank you @michaelb4jordan, @iamjamiefoxx, and @brielarson!— Equal Justice Initiative (@eji_org) December 27, 2019

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  10. 100% agree #JustMercy is a great movie telling an incredible true-life story. @iamjamiefoxx and @michaelb4jordan are fantastic and everyone should see it.…

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    • JustMercy
  11. Today Bekah and I went with her brother, sister-in-law, and their two boys to the Wild Bird Center where volunteers care for injured birds. The boys were so cute running around and checking out the different cages and the large number of ducks on the pond. Some of the birds...

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    • birds
    • personal
  12. I’ve started printing these out for my relatives. Really wish coffee shops and airbnbs would do this more. Also wish iOS had better support for the NFC version of this. So cooool.On iOS and Android, you can just point your camera at a (special) QR code and it can share...

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  13. Relaxing in the Orvieto Countryside

    After meeting up with my family, we drove to the town of Orvieto a little more than an hour outside of Rome. We stayed in Orvieto because my sister was studying there for a semester of her undergrad and had classes during the week. It may not be top of...

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    • travel
    • Italy
  14. Glad @codingchaos’s post got a shout-out on @ShopTalkShow b/c she has so much knowledge to share. Also, re-implementing <select> in JavaScript is hard. I made a handy page with links to ALL THE COMBOBOX THINGS (at least all the ones I've made), including both 24a11y articles, on my blog:—...

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  15. I really enjoyed being back in Connecticut with my family this Christmas. So many memories old and new.

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    • ocean

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