Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. “Name one thing you respect about the other candidate” Karl just won the debate. #debate

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    • debate
  2. Trump had a separate #debate with the moderator over Aleppo

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    • debate
  3. No one has more respect for women? Really?!? #debate

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    • debate
  4. @chiccychiccy So much untapped potential…

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  5. Moving Forward

    The past two years of ministry in Springfield, Ohio have been filled with ups and downs for my wife and me. We have had the great opportunity to get to know the children who attend our church’s weekly children’s programs. We have also transitioned out of some of the ministries...

    • article
    • personal
  6. Why we need to listen to people of different races and views and how to respond. From the #gospelinlife podcast.…

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    • gospelinlife
  7. Looking forward to hearing the conversations from #SummerofJustice . Our nation needs this.

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    • SummerofJustice
  8. @clmazin but those of us who follow him should love others enough to address those issues. #JesusChangesEverything

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    • JesusChangesEverything
  9. “Ending Inmate Isolation: Inside the Battle to Stop Solitary Confinement in America” by @GabrielleCanon…

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  10. Great job by the @angularjs team managing all of the issues they receive on GitHub. Glad to see progress :)…

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  11. @Jakeherringbone I heard about @laravelshift which does something similar for #laravel apps. @gonedark could have some incites.

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    • laravel
  12. Enjoyed listening to the passion of #emberjs community on @JavaScriptAir! "JavaScript Frameworks: Ember" w/ @gavinjoyce, @mixonic, and @rwjblue is up! 😻— JavaScript Air (@JavaScriptAir) April 28, 2016

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    • emberjs
  13. Finally got around to publishing “Takeaways from ng-conf 2016”… #ngconf

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    • ngconf
  14. Takeaways from ng-conf 2016

    I know it has already been three weeks since ng-conf but I wanted to highlight my takeaways from the conference. This was the first technical conference I had ever attended so almost everything was a new experience for me. The only exposure I had to the format was through YouTube...

    • article
    • technology
    • ngconf
  15. 23 Dave’s? #ngdave #ngconf

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    • ngdave
    • ngconf

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