Anthony Ciccarello
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Posts tagged "personal"

  1. Creating space to feel my emotions

    IndieWeb Carnival: Self-Care and Routine

    • IndieWeb
    • carnival
    • personal
  2. Congrats to my brother on scoring 1000 points for his high school basketball team. Quite the achievement! 🏀

    • personal
  3. Found out today that a elderly woman we know from Liberia passed away. She spent most of her life caring for children in Nimba county, many of whom lost family in the country’s civil war. Her godly spirit had a profound impact on my wife and me despite being a...

    • personal
    • Liberia
  4. How I built a live edge table

    An excessively detailed description of my plans and failures taking on an ambitious woodworking project

    • personal
    • woodworking
  5. Wedding in Washington

    And other PNW adventures

    • travel
    • personal
  6. Happy Mother’s Day to my wife. While we may not have kids in our home today, I am so proud of how you stepped into the role of foster mom this past year. Overnight you offered your love and attention to our foster kiddos when they couldn’t be with their...

    • personal
  7. We are changing foster agencies

    It has now been more than six months since our last foster placement. At the beginning of the year, we made the difficult decision to switch foster agencies. After how long it took to get licensed the first time, the prospect of another delay was discouraging. But I feel confident...

    • personal
    • foster care
  8. Wrapping up our first fostering experience

    After six weeks together our first foster kiddos were able to return to live with family members while their parent’s case continues to progress. This is great news for the kids as it will allow them to stay connected with their relatives. Throughout this journey, we were relieved to see...

    • personal
    • foster care
    • parenting
  9. Things I'm learning as a new foster parent

    After several weeks, our crash course in parenting has continually thought me new things. There are a lot of parenting lessons I’ve seen played out in other’s homes. But being now being the parent has really brought a lot of those into focus. Gains Our foster care certification process had...

    • personal
    • foster care
    • parenting
  10. We've started our first placement

    A couple weeks ago, Bekah and I accepted our first foster placement of two young kiddos; a five-year-old boy and a one-year-old girl. They are beautiful kids who love to have fun. They also have been through a lot, both in life and now being separated from their family. We...

    • foster care
    • personal
  11. We're becoming foster parents

    I’m excited to announce that after 10 months of the certification process and years of discussion and planning Bekah and I have been licensed by the state of California to serve as foster parents. Since the earliest days of our marriage, we’ve discussed how we could care for children needing...

    • personal
    • foster care
  12. Getting out on the water with extended family was a nice way to end a weekend saying goodbye to a loved-one. I enjoyed meeting more of Bekah’s family and talking birds with her uncles. I wish it could have been under better circumstances. Honestly the kayaking was a little frustrating,...

    • nature
    • personal
  13. Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife. I love getting to experience life with you. 😍

    • travel
    • personal
  14. Today Bekah and I went with her brother, sister-in-law, and their two boys to the Wild Bird Center where volunteers care for injured birds. The boys were so cute running around and checking out the different cages and the large number of ducks on the pond. Some of the birds...

    • birds
    • personal
  15. Happy birthday to my nephew Zeke! I’m so glad I was able to be there for his birthday party this year. Seeing him love Thomas the tank engine brings back so many memories and his joy warms all our hearts. “There is no known cure for an obsession with trains”...

    • personal
  16. Having the extended family get together to clear trees felt like a classic New England Saturday. Sometimes I miss having the opportunity to do big yard projects. It was a great reason to hang out.

    • personal
  17. Happy Bekah-birthday to my beautiful wife. I am grateful for the way you remind me to enjoy life and try new things. I see how you step up to encourage others and support those others cast aside. I hope you never lose your motivation to make the world a better...

    • personal
  18. She’s the reason we get out and do fun things. She scouts out the best places to go, looks at plane tickets while there are still plenty of options, and reminds me that life is worth enjoying. So when she starts feeding the street dogs, I try not to give...

    • personal
    • travel
    • Peru
    • dog
  19. I love sharing life with this beautiful woman. You bring me joy and my life is much more fun with you. And traveling with you reminds of that even more. Thanks for making me feel special and accepting me in all my quirkiness. I’m grateful for every day I get...

    • travel
    • Puebla
    • Mexico
    • personal
  20. What I am grateful for from 2018

    Looking back, the past year has been filled with transition. My wife and I knew that she would be finishing her fellowship program. We knew that we would likely move to California at the end of the year. We didn’t know that half way through January, I would learn that...

    • personal
  21. Moving Forward

    The past two years of ministry in Springfield, Ohio have been filled with ups and downs for my wife and me. We have had the great opportunity to get to know the children who attend our church’s weekly children’s programs. We have also transitioned out of some of the ministries...

    • personal
  22. The First Year

    In October of 2014, I married the love of my life and I am so glad I did. I love being able to see her every day and having an excuse to treat her extra special. Her companionship brings me endless joy and she helps me be a better man....

    • personal
    • marriage