Anthony Ciccarello
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Posts tagged "travel"

  1. The birder in me loved this exhibit titled “Aviarium Cuarto Suspiro” in La Biblioteca de Investigación Juan de Córdova in Oaxaca. The exhibit used ceramics to flip the symbolism of the avian and human worlds to create fascinating shapes.

    • Mexico
    • travel
    • Oaxaca
    • birds
  2. Somehow this shot captures a lot about Guanajuato. From the hills, to the tunnels, to the buildings.

    • Mexico
    • travel
    • Guanajuato
  3. When it is 85°F (30°C) and sunny during the day, the party starts at night.

    • Mexico
    • travel
    • Guanajuato
  4. Una calle en San Miguel de Allende

    • travel
    • Mexico
    • Guanajuato
    • architecture
  5. It’s good to be back in Mexico! 🇲🇽

    • travel
    • Mexico
    • Guanajuato
    • architecture
  6. Au revoir France. It was nice to meet you. I’ll have more photos to share soon ❤️

    • travel
    • France
  7. Sometimes I can’t pick my favorite perspective…

    • travel
    • France
    • architecture
  8. This tower is impressively tall. I loved getting brunch at a nearby cafe and walking around the neighborhood.

    • travel
    • France
    • architecture
  9. Didn’t expect to find this jungle in Paris 🌿

    • France
    • plants
    • travel
  10. I’m loving the stonework in Paris. So much detail to appreciate.

    • France
    • architecture
    • travel
  11. Someone tell the French opera they need to update their windows machine.

    • France
    • Paris
    • humor
    • travel
  12. Birding in 2022

    Following my 2021 birding summary, I’m excited to share my 2022 birding review! My travels brought me to 7 different states, Italy, and a bonus layover sighting. Between the varied locations and some active days, my total number of species identified was up slightly over the previous year. But my...

    • birding
    • birds
    • travel
  13. Been thinking about potential new places to travel to this year and beyond. There are so many amazing options. Hawaii Alaska Glacier National Park Yosemite National Park Oaxaca Mexico Iceland Argentina/Patagonia New Zealand Netherlands South Africa Scotland

    • travel
  14. Birding in 2021

    Typically I do a year-in-review of my birding, but I fell behind posting 2021. Before I share about my birding in 2022, I wanted to give a quick update to fill in the gap. Despite the continuing pandemic and being busy with a new house and foster care, I still...

    • travel
    • birds
    • birding
  15. Wedding in Washington

    And other PNW adventures

    • travel
    • personal
  16. Birding in 2020

    2020 Trends After a year of international travel that triggered my re-entry into bird watching, 2020 was a much more restrained year. While life events and global lockdowns kept me in the US, I enjoyed refining my birding skills and focusing on more birding from home. As the stress of...

    • travel
    • birding
  17. A new bird for every day of the year

    Birding in 2019

    • travel
    • birding
  18. I’m grateful we were able to travel last year. There are so many beautiful places in the world to see.

    • travel
    • Italy
    • ocean
  19. My post about our time in Venice is finally posted! This is the last post in my series about our trip to Italy last October. The Doge’s Palace, shown here, was one of the cool places we toured while staying in the city. When Venice was a regional power, the...

    • travel
    • Italy
  20. A Weekend in Venice

    As a boy, I remember my grandmother telling stories of her and my grandfather’s trip to Italy. The two of them were invited by a sibling to go on the trip with most expenses paid. For some reason, the destination that I remember hearing about most vividly was Venice. I...

    • travel
    • Italy
  21. A year ago, @bekahbugs and I were in Cuetzalan Mexico which is in the mountains between Puebla and Veracruz. It was our first solo trip since we had arrived in Mexico and it forced us to practice our Spanish with people who didn’t know English. It’s a magical town with...

    • travel
    • Mexico
  22. I finished my blog post about Orvieto this weekend. It’s a really cool town with lots of interesting history like how it was a Papal residence after the Pope was ousted from Rome. The town has this huge cathedral (or duomo) in the middle of town. Unfortunately it will likely...

    • travel
    • Italy
  23. I’m working on a blog post about our time in Orvieto last October. It’s been fun remembering everything we did together with my parents and siblings. I’m glad we could take that trip together.

    • texture
    • travel
    • Italy
  24. Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife. I love getting to experience life with you. 😍

    • travel
    • personal
  25. Four months ago @bekahbugs and I visited Rome and made a whirlwind tour of the biggest sights. The art and architecture were breathtaking. There is a mix of modern and historic across the city making it a fun place to travel through. I’ve written down some of my memories into...

    • travel
    • Italy
    • ruins
  26. Rome is a Work of Art

    Rome is such a massively historic city that I didn’t know what to expect when arriving in modern-day Rome. I’ve read so much about it in the context of ancient history but relatively little about the last couple hundred years. What we encountered was a mix of multiple centuries organically...

    • travel
    • Italy
  27. Relaxing in the Orvieto Countryside

    After meeting up with my family, we drove to the town of Orvieto a little more than an hour outside of Rome. We stayed in Orvieto because my sister was studying there for a semester of her undergrad and had classes during the week. It may not be top of...

    • travel
    • Italy
  28. This year was filled with some great experiences as @bekahbugs and I traveled to places I thought I’d never see. Looking ahead I see both light and challenges as we look to navigate our next chapter. But I’m grateful for the loving people around me that have helped me every...

    • travel
    • Italy
  29. Anniversary on the Amalfi Coast

    The Amalfi Coast is a beautiful section of coastline on Italy’s western shore one providence south of Rome. Its steep hill produces great views pretty much anywhere you stay. We chose to stay in this region for the solo-anniversary portion of our trip based on several recommendations we had heard....

    • travel
    • Italy
  30. We Traveled to Italy!

    A Change of Plans After our honeymoon in Cancun, Bekah and I started saving for our 5-year anniversary trip to Hawaii because we really enjoyed the chance to travel to beautiful places together. Five years and half a dozen countries later, we were still planning on taking that 5-year anniversary...

    • travel
    • Italy
  31. I took some time to write about Peru this weekend. It has been fun to think about all the cool places we were able to see. Hoping to share some stories soon.

    • travel
    • Peru
    • ruins
  32. I love this little collection of plants against this tree trunk.

    • Guatemala
    • travel
    • plants
    • nature
  33. The Catholic churches in Antigua were all beautifully decorated and with yellow and white like this. They often were near more open spaces where people would spill out after mass and where vendors would be selling street food.

    • Guatemala
    • travel
    • architecture
  34. Iconic Antigua Guatemala’s Santa Catalina Arch

    • travel
    • Guatemala
  35. My plant loving soul really enjoys traveling around the tropics.

    • plants
    • guatemala
    • travel
  36. Guatemala in many ways is a country fighting against the forces of mother nature. The Convent of the order of the Recollects was built at the beginning of the 18th century but was repeatedly damaged by earthquakes. Within 75 years, much of the complex was heavily damage. Today it stands...

    • Guatemala
    • travel
    • ruins
  37. Hello #costarica🇨🇷

    • Costa Rica
    • travel
    • plants
  38. While we were in Peru, I had a lot of fun discovering different kinds of birds. By the end of our trip I had seen 75 different species. @bekahbugs found it quite comical that we saw “hundreds of Peruvian Boobies” on the Ballestas Islands in Paracas. Who said birding was...

    • travel
    • birding
    • birds
    • Peru
  39. Birding in Peru

    When my wife and I arrived in Peru, I didn’t know that I would eventually identify 75 different species in the country. At the time, I was just getting back into bird watching and had less than 100 species on my lifetime list. Peru is not known as an eco-tourism...

    • travel
    • birding
  40. She’s the reason we get out and do fun things. She scouts out the best places to go, looks at plane tickets while there are still plenty of options, and reminds me that life is worth enjoying. So when she starts feeding the street dogs, I try not to give...

    • personal
    • travel
    • Peru
    • dog
  41. México city seems so close yet so far.

    • travel
    • Mexico
    • architecture
  42. Visiting Peru has been a wonderful mix of family, friends, culture, history, language, and nature. We were able to travel to several different parts of the country though there is much more to see. I’d love to come again. Thanks to my cousin @wdevenney55 and his wife @mayra_devenney for all...

    • Peru
    • travel
    • ruins
  43. Cusco is beautiful

    • travel
    • Peru
    • plants
  44. Huaca Pucllana is an adobe pyramid dating as early as 400 A.D. however until the 1980s it was just a dirt mound located in the Miraflores neighborhood of Lima.

    • travel
    • Peru
    • ruins
  45. Stonework

    • texture
    • travel
    • Peru
    • ruins
  46. I’ve been missing the mountains and I can’t think of a more dramatic place to enjoy them. I’m so grateful we were able to go on this trip.

    • Peru
    • travel
    • ruins
    • mountains
  47. One of the best parts of our trip has been meeting up with friends and getting to see their corner of the world. Last month we had fun hiking up the Peña de Bernal with the Dalolio’s to check out the views looking over the town of Bernal. The Peña...

    • Mexico
    • travel
  48. Almost ready for more #traveling

    • travel
    • travel
    • Mexico
  49. Stages of Talavera pottery

    • travel
    • Mexico
  50. Estamos en Puebla, México

    Back in February, my wife Bekah and I packed up our things and left the United States for Puebla, Mexico. We left Colorado last year after I began working remotely and my wife began working on her online master’s degree full time. But with no job holding us to a...

    • travel
  51. It’s comforting to know that God won’t disown us for having weak faith. If we remain in him he will continue to support us. Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If...

    • travel
    • Mexico
    • inspiration
  52. Despite the shifting ground the pyramids of Yohualichan still stand, though some of them have been restored. Built around the year 1200 AD, these were some of the earliest pyramids of the Totonac people who later moved on to create larger settlements, with their distinct architectural style of square “windows”...

    • travel
    • Mexico
    • ruins
  53. Sometimes traveling off the beaten path is worth the effort. @bekahbugs and I had an amazing time Exploring #cuetzalan #mexico despite the long bus ride on winding mountain roads.

    • cuetzalan
    • Mexico
    • travel
  54. Avenida Independencia in Atlixco on Benito Juarez Day

    • travel
    • Mexico
  55. This is a cool plant sometimes referred to as a “sensitive plant”. It folds up when touched perhaps has a way to avoid being eaten. I remember seeing some back in Liberia. Apparently they are native in tropical parts of the Americas.

    • plants
    • travel
    • Mexico
    • nature
  56. Yesterday was a colorful day: meeting friends on the highway, exploring Atlixco, losing our keys, volcanic eruptions. I feel like we are doing a good job of keeping life from getting boring.

    • flowers
    • plants
    • Mexico
    • travel
  57. Mexico’s plant game is strong 🌵🌵🌵

    • travel
    • plants
    • Mexico
  58. Gracias a nuestros nuevos amigos de Puebla por un día muy divertido. @bekahbugs and I had a great time touring Puebla today and checking out Fort Loreto.

    • travel
    • Puebla
    • Mexico
  59. This weekend we were able to enjoy walking around the beautiful downtown of @pueblatravel. It was fun playing the tourist and checking out this artist market as well as visiting some of the bigger cathedrals.

    • travel
    • Puebla
    • Mexico
  60. I love sharing life with this beautiful woman. You bring me joy and my life is much more fun with you. And traveling with you reminds of that even more. Thanks for making me feel special and accepting me in all my quirkiness. I’m grateful for every day I get...

    • travel
    • Puebla
    • Mexico
    • personal
  61. An Overview of Our Trip

    For those of you who had checked our blog while we were in Liberia, I’d like to apologize for our lack of updates. We were unsure of what our housing situation would be but we knew that during Bekah’s last trip she could get online from her housing at the...

    • travel
    • Liberia
  62. Getting An Introduction to Africa

    Detour to Senegal

    • travel
    • Senegal
    • Liberia