Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Cool to watch CU Women’s Ultimate playing in the semifinals on @ESPN 3

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  2. @zannah_faith The side-by-side is perfect 😂

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  3. Wow, CSS flexbox is even easier than I imagined.

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  4. Working updating to Webpack 2 and am repeatedly impressed by how @TheLarkInn responds courteously in nearly every thread I read.

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  5. You know you’re in a NY style bakery when they have salt bagels…

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  6. @chiccychiccy “Many in Arkansas have called for more public education funding, as the Razorbacks were only 8-5 last year.”

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  7. Want to thank Rhonda from @vornado for her help with my heater. Glad to know the 5 year warranty is for real 🙏

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  8. @mint I’m sorry, it’s opening a menu for “Send money”. Not add account.

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  9. Because saying “I don’t see color” is ignoring the discrimination people see every day. @queencharlene95…

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  10. I just published “Migrating an Angular 1 application to @types”…

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  11. Migrating an Angular 1 application to @types

    I upgraded an application at work to use @types instead of Typings today. Unfortunately I had trouble finding information on the differences between the two systems. Many things that were supposed to " work with no change" didn’t seem to be but eventually I was able to please the TypeScript...

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    • technology
  12. “When one side sees the other side’s victory as a catastrophe, it undermines the democratic process.” @EricJLyman…

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  13. “Why What’s Happening in Ethiopia Matters to Everyone Now” by @BLorraineSmith…

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  14. Compared to the first debate the moderators did a much better controlling the interruptions #debate

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    • debate
  15. @ajciccarello Donald’s answer to this question was probably his best of the night. Clinton’s was low.

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