Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Three adults walking in a Star Wars themed adventure land. One is pointing to the side. Another with walking around recording with a cell phone.

    Just a few kids checking out the new attractions at Disneyland.

  2. Dark shore bird walking on a sandy beach

    @bekahbugs and I really enjoyed walking down the beach and getting Shake Shack shakes at Crystal Cove state park near...

  3. Three small posts with scrawny plants next to a bright green kalenchoe with pink flowers.

    Brought in some of my plants that weren’t doing so well in the 115° F (46° C) heat today. Also...

  4. Knotty tree trunk with two different plants growing in front.

    I love this little collection of plants against this tree trunk.

  5. Face of a yellow church with white carvings all over the surface. White statues stand and look out from altars.

    The Catholic churches in Antigua were all beautifully decorated and with yellow and white like this. They often were near...

  6. Cobblestone street on a sunny day with colorful buildings and a yellow arch at the end with mountains in the distance.

    Iconic Antigua Guatemala’s Santa Catalina Arch

  7. Ferns and grass at the base of a wall that vines are climbing.

    My plant loving soul really enjoys traveling around the tropics.

  8. Concrete path through a green lawn, leading to the ruins of a large building. An archway leading to a staircase still stands with walls collapsed around it. Post contains multiple images

    Guatemala in many ways is a country fighting against the forces of mother nature. The Convent of the order of...

  9. Looking up at tropical trees around a patch of blue sky.

    Hello #costarica🇨🇷

  10. Large white and brown sea birds, tightly packed on a rocky bluff sparring for space.

    While we were in Peru, I had a lot of fun discovering different kinds of birds. By the end of...

  11. Woman looking down at a dog that is looking up at her, walking down a narrow cobblestone street where colorful clothes are for sale.

    She’s the reason we get out and do fun things. She scouts out the best places to go, looks at...

  12. Looking at the face of an old, yet ornate brick building. In front is a pink taxi and a statue of a gorilla holding a banjo. To the right and behind are more modern, taller buildings.

    México city seems so close yet so far.

  13. View looking down at a small town surrounded by tall mountains and ancient ruins.

    Visiting Peru has been a wonderful mix of family, friends, culture, history, language, and nature. We were able to travel...

  14. Bright pink flowers hanging down in front of a white building with a wood framed window.

    Cusco is beautiful

  15. Grayscale image of an uneven brick mound with a large sandy area in front and a cloudy sky above.

    Huaca Pucllana is an adobe pyramid dating as early as 400 A.D. however until the 1980s it was just a...

  16. Screenshot of text describing how the phrase 'buen provecho' can be used as a greeting at meals similar to 'bon appétit'.

    @duolingo has a bunch of new lessons in their Spanish course. Glad to see them expanding the content and teaching...

  17. Looking up at the front of a colonial style building with cedar shingle siding painted light green.

    Missing all my friends back in New England. Wish I could be there to celebrate with you all. @sarahjoan20 @rachelmonahan_...

  18. Closeup of a stone wall with large blocks covered in lichen.


  19. The sun shines over the jagged peak of mountains towards the stone walls of an abandoned settlement. Post contains multiple images

    I’ve been missing the mountains and I can’t think of a more dramatic place to enjoy them. I’m so grateful...

  20. Looking up at a large rock formation. Below a large retaining wall, two children look at a water fountain.

    One of the best parts of our trip has been meeting up with friends and getting to see their corner...

  21. Video

    This map of Ruby-throated hummingbirds lights up in the summer as they follow warm weather looking for flowers. Source: @team_ebird...

  22. Video

    This @team_ebird animation of Sandhill Crane migrations illustrates the dramatic movements of populations over the course of the year. ...

  23. Coastline view from a plane window.

    Almost ready for more #traveling

  24. looking up at an ornately decorated yellow chapel with a sign reading "santuario de la virgen de los remedios cholula puebla"

  25. Series of ceramic containers at various stages of finishing from raw clay, to base white washed, to painted, to glazed.

    Stages of Talavera pottery

  26. Stone wall topped with a colorful fence.

    It’s comforting to know that God won’t disown us for having weak faith. If we remain in him he will...

  27. Multiple layers of a stone wall. Long and narrow stones are stacked upon each other. A row of stones is arranged into rectangular windows by standing some stones vertically.

    Despite the shifting ground the pyramids of Yohualichan still stand, though some of them have been restored. Built around the...

  28. Stone steps in a mountain village path. One building has a sign that reads 'hotel'. Women stand in front of displays of white embroidered shirts.

    Sometimes traveling off the beaten path is worth the effort. @bekahbugs and I had an amazing time Exploring #cuetzalan #mexico...

  29. A line of connected buildings with colorful facades on a street with traffic.

    Avenida Independencia in Atlixco on Benito Juarez Day

  30. Video

    This is a cool plant sometimes referred to as a “sensitive plant”. It folds up when touched perhaps has a...

  31. Greenhouse with colorful flowers.

    Yesterday was a colorful day: meeting friends on the highway, exploring Atlixco, losing our keys, volcanic eruptions. I feel like...

  32. Concrete building with tightly packed planters of cacti, succulents, and other plants. A large jacaranda tree with purple flowers is visible in the background.

    Mexico’s plant game is strong 🌵🌵🌵

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