Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Software takes more than “the right technology”

    Carpenters have lots of tools to pick from. Drills, impact drivers, circular saws, and miter saws; each tool may be really good for a specific purpose and a great carpenter will know when to use each one. However, the best carpenter is not necessarily the one who uses the most...

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  2. A new bird for every day of the year

    Birding in 2019

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    • travel
    • birding
  3. You should try wireless charging

    Wireless charging has been around for a while now but it’s still not ubiquitous. Many people don’t know their phone supports the feature. While it’s not perfect, I think this is an under-utilized feature of modern cell phones. How does it work? Wireless phone chargers uses what is call “Inductive...

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    • technology
    • hardware
    • review
  4. This “Tiny Creatures” animal drama is cute and impressively put together with slow-mo close-ups…wait he filmed it in his backyard in England during quarantine?…

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  5. It would be very poetic if adding Trump’s face to Mount Rushmore caused the entire monument to collapse. White House reached out to South Dakota governor about adding President Trump to Mount Rushmore, New York Times reports— CNN (@CNN) August 9, 2020

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  6. Best part of my day was eating 6 1/2 fresh-cooked tortillas. I guess that’s not bad for 2020.

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  7. There’s also a huge group of officers grouped up a few blocks from the protest. Looks like they may have riot gear.

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