Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. This #succulent has really thrived in the last month. I had cut off a sizable offshoot recently and both plants have grown since then. Between having a little more space and more regular care while we are home, the mother plant was happy enough to send out a flower stem....

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    • plants
    • houseplants
  2. Today, I participated in the #GlobalBigDay birding event. The past year, I’ve gotten back into bird watching and even gone on guided tours into jungle forests. Even though I stayed in town today, I still managed to find 27 species including this Greater Roadrunner in our neighborhood park. I even...

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    • birding
    • birds
    • GlobalBigDay
  3. How can we say America is no longer racist when Black men are “suspicious” simply for exercising White men think they have authority over Black lives White men can corner a Black man and murder him on video Law enforcement won’t protect Black Americans. #JusticeForAhmaud There's much more going on...

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    • JusticeForAhmaud
  4. Our senators and politicians should not be able to use their positions to profit. These cases need to be heavily prosecuted. New: The brother-in-law, a Trump appointee, sold between $97,000 and $280,000 worth of stock. Burr is under federal investigation over whether he traded on non-public information gathered through his...

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  5. I really respect the responsibility this library author took to write this up. Switching to es6 imports is going to require a lot of education of the node community so this is really helpful to see. Also, fixing things in under 3 hours is impressive. 👏👏👏 is-promise post mortem—...

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  6. Abuse is hard for the whole community: Please listen to victims above abusers. Please don’t be afraid to seek independent counseling services. Please keep leaders accountable for creating cultures that hide abuse.

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  7. I’m concerned that @DrThomasWhite abused his authority when he ignored the voice of the victim, hid risks from the @cedarville community, and over-stated his ability to maintain accountability by hiring and promoting a friend who has abused his own authority.

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  8. While I admire the desire to forgive and restore individuals, the christian community needs to do a better job acknowledging and protecting victims of sexual abuse, not protecting abusers. vía @Change

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  9. I always want to look in the drop-down menu when trying to share tweets before remembering there is a share button. It doesn’t help that MacOS and Android have different share icons… 🤦‍♂️

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  10. Happy #earthday! One of my succulents was overflowing its small pot so I’m trying to propagate it. It’s still crazy to me how plants are able to grow with not much more than sun, water, and air. Hopefully our 100°F/38°C temperatures this week aren’t too much. The mini ones are...

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    • plants
    • houseplants
    • earthday
  11. Reading through the installation guide reminded me that it can be hard to write good documentation when you already know everything about the technology. It assumed I knew more than I did. 😅

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  12. I installed @LineageAndroid on my phone this weekend since Motorola stopped sending out security updates. It’s been fun to geek out on Android stuff for a change.

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  13. My post about our time in Venice is finally posted! This is the last post in my series about our trip to Italy last October. The Doge’s Palace, shown here, was one of the cool places we toured while staying in the city. When Venice was a regional power, the...

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    • travel
    • Italy
  14. A Weekend in Venice

    As a boy, I remember my grandmother telling stories of her and my grandfather’s trip to Italy. The two of them were invited by a sibling to go on the trip with most expenses paid. For some reason, the destination that I remember hearing about most vividly was Venice. I...

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    • travel
    • Italy
  15. Enjoyed a good Saturday at home taking care of my #houseplants. 🌱🌵🥀 Some of them graduated to bigger pots. Others I’m attempting to propagate with clippings. We’ll see how many of them take over the next few weeks. Of course Bailey had to sniff everything to make sure it was...

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    • plants
    • houseplants
    • dog

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